Rules for RHC during Covid-19

April 2, 2020

As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve in Manitoba, every preparation is underway and every precaution is being taken to ensure RHC is able to safely care for its patients, residents and staff.

Vistng Restrictions:
– All visitng has been suspended for the time being
– Exceptions will be made for end of life care on a case by case basis

Entrance Security:
– Entrance to the facility is limited to the main entrance and the south entrance
– Permitted visitors must use main entrance

Staff Screening:
– All staff are subject to a daily screening process to ensure they are healthy to provide care

Deliveries for Residents / Patients:
– RHC has put strict restrictions on most goods delivered to the Centre
– Anything delivered must be wipeable
– Food or flower deliveries are not permitted during this time

We thank you for your understanding as we work through this pandemic together.

For regular COVID-19 updates please visit:

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