How can I book a room or rent the BBQ?

Contact the Event office at 204-478-6893 or email supportservicesrhc@rhc.mb.ca

How can I make my visit with my family member or friend easier or more rewarding?

Tips for Successful Visiting

Visiting is all about being together with people you care about, sharing present events and reliving past memories. Visits can also be an important time for both you and your family member or friend to heal past hurts and to grow closer together.

Who Should Visit

Anyone who was important to the resident throughout his or her lifetime should visit. Care facilities, such as Riverview Health Centre, generally have few or no restrictions on who can visit. Young children and pets are usually welcome. Pets are not allowed in areas where food is served. Ask the staff if there are any rules about pets visiting.

When to Visit

Most facilities have very few restrictions on when you can visit. However, to make sure your time with the resident is worthwhile for both of you, you may need to consider certain factors, such as:

  • Does the resident have a “good” or “bad” time of day? There is no point in visiting in the afternoon if the resident can?t stay awake during this time.
  • Are there scheduled appointment times ? with the physician or other specialists (dentist) ? that would interfere with your visit? If you visit during these times, you’ll spend most of the visit waiting for the resident to come back from an appointment.
  • Is there a special recreation program that you would like to attend with your relative/friend? Does the resident have a special recreation program that he or she would like to attend, but won’t/can’t while you are visiting?
  • Does the resident have other regular visitors? Can these visits be spread out through the week/month? One visitor at a time may be more enjoyable for the resident than four visitors at once. When a number of visitors come at one time, the resident may get left out while the visitors talk to each other.
  • Is there a special out-of-town person visiting this week? Maybe this is a good week for you to take a well-deserved break.
  • If you are feeling guilty because the resident claims that visitors never come (but you know that they do!), keep a calendar or guest book in the room for all visitors to sign. Then, when the resident says that he or she never has any visitors, you can show them who has visited and when.

Riverview Health Centre has published The Handbook for Successful Visiting, which provides information and advice to help make visiting a rewarding experience.

What kind of medical training do doctors who do EMGs have?

Doctors who do EMGs go to four years of medical school and then have three or four more years of training in a residency program.  Most work as neurologists or physical medicine and rehabilitation doctors.  Medical training helps the doctor decide which tests to perform based on your symptoms.  It teaches doctors what can go wrong with the human body and how to tell the difference between these problems.

What bus can I take to get to Riverview Health Centre?

Winnipeg Transit provides regular bus service to the front entrance of the Health Centre building via Route 95.  Please see their website at https://winnipegtransit.com/en  for timetable and route information.

Where can I call for a taxi when I am at Riverview Health Centre?

Free calls for taxi service can be made via the pay phones on the main floor of the Health Centre Building near the main entrance, or the EW elevators.

Can I bring my pet to visit?

We love pets at Riverview, and believe that our patients and residents generally enjoy their visits.  Your pet may visit the Centre providing it is kept on a leash or in a carrier.  The visitor bringing the pet is responsible for it during its visit.  Keep in mind that large dogs can be intimidating to some people. Please be mindful of this when introducing your pet or sharing space with others.

Pets must be clean, recently vaccinated and free of disease and behavioural problems.

In keeping with Public Health regulations, pets cannot be taken into any area where food or beverages are served.  This includes the cafeteria, and dining rooms on the patient care units.

Please note: Due to COVID-19, we are allowing pets inside our facility to visit with family, but pets are not allowed to visit with other patients and residents at this time.

How can I help Riverview?

You can volunteer.

Volunteering can be a richly rewarding experience, and our volunteers are an integral part of the care-giving team at Riverview Health Centre.  Volunteers may participate during the weekdays, evenings or on weekends, and assignments are arranged to accommodate individuals with varying lifestyles, interests and schedules.

You can be a donor.

The Riverview Health Centre Foundation is an organization of dedicated volunteers and staff who work hard to further enhance the Centre’s ability to provide quality care and home-like surroundings for all those in need of its service.  It is through donations to the Foundation that we can continue to fund building modifications, equipment and other enhancements to meet the diverse needs of our patients and residents.  Donations to the Foundation can be made directly on-line on the Donor link on our Home Page.

What are your Gift Shop hours? What sort of things can I buy there? Are there fresh flowers to buy?

Our Gift Shop, located near our main entrance, is operated by Volunteer Services.  The shop stocks cards, books, long distance telephone cards, stamps, soft drinks, candies and many other miscellaneous items.  At this time, our Gift Shop does not carry fresh flowers.

Hours of Operation:

Monday 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 pm.
Tuesday 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday to Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Sunday 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Please note: Due to COVID-19, hours are subject to change. Please contact us to confirm the hours of operation.

Is there an ATM at Riverview Health Centre?

An ATM is located on the main floor of the Health Centre Building beside the Gift Shop.

What are your policies on the use of scented products?

Out of consideration for those who are allergic or sensitive to certain products, fragrances and other highly scented products are discouraged.  We ask that visitors refrain from using highly scented products when they come to visit.

What are your policies on smoking?

Smoking is prohibited in any of the Centre’s buildings.  As of May 25, 2011, in accordance with the City of Winnipeg Outdoor smoking By-law, smoking is further prohibited anywhere on our grounds.

Can I send an email to a patient or resident at Riverview Health Centre?

Most definitely!  We recognize the importance for residents and patients to remain connected with their families and community.  Our E-Greetings program gives family and friends the opportunity to send their special thoughts and well wishes to residents and patients at our facility.  For details on this service, just click on the ‘E-Greeting’ link on our home page.

Can I use my cell phone in the health centre?

You can use your cell phone in most areas of the health centre building.  Where cell phone use is prohibited, there will be signage indicating this. Cell phone reception, however, tends to be variable in our main health centre building.  You may find that you are unable to complete or receive a call.

Do you have a Lost and Found?

Yes. Security Services, located beside the Information Desk, in the atrium of the main Health Centre building is responsible for all lost and found items.  Check with them if you have lost (or found) something.

Where will I go on the day of admission?

Because all of our admissions are planned, and we do receive information about you in advance, we do not require you or a member of your family to stop at a Registration Area. You can just proceed to the unit that is expecting you.  If you are not sure, the clerk at the Information Desk can provide assistance.

Is there a cafeteria where I can purchase food and drink? What are your cafeteria hours?

Our cafeteria, located at the main entrance of the Health Centre building, is available for staff, volunteers, visitors, patients and residents.  On a warm day, enjoy eating outside in our beautiful courtyard surrounded by flower gardens, a gazebo and a fish pond.

Our cafeteria is open:

Monday to Friday – 08:30 to 18:30 hours
Saturday & Sunday – 09:30 to 18:30 hours
Statutory Holidays – 10:00 to 18:00 hours

Where is the public parking lot? How do I pay for parking? Is there available street parking?

The public parking lot is located at the front of the AB Wing of the Health Centre and is accessed from Eccles Street.  An hourly rate is charged payable prior to exit from the lot.  A parking ticket is generated at the parking gate upon arrival.  The ticket can be paid in the parking machine located in the foyer of the main entrance of the Health Centre building (both credit cards and cash) or at the exit gate (credit cards only).

Designated handicapped spaces are available in this parking lot, and in the drop off zones adjacent to the south side entrance of the Health Centre building.  The appropriate handicapped decal must be displayed.

In consideration of the Centre’s neighbours in this residential community, parking restrictions are in effect on most side streets from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

How can I pay for some of my family members personal expenses (hairdressing, etc.) ?

To safeguard your money, and to make sure that you have the funds available for services you want, the Centre operates a resident trust account system.  Upon admission, you or your family member will be asked to set up a trust account.  A deposit of $200.00 is required initially, and you must keep a minimum balance of $100.00.

How can I apply to work at Riverview?

Job opportunities are updated daily.  Please create your career profile and check out our postings on the following link.  Click this link to learn more. 

What types of volunteer opportunities are available to me?

Here are some of the many opportunities available to you. We would love to hear from you.

What are the buildings on your campus?

The complex includes the main Health Centre Building, the Day Hospital, and the Princess Elizabeth Building. The main Health Centre Building includes the personal care units and hospital units, information desk, cafeteria, worship Centre, gift shop and our beautiful conservatory.

The Day Hospital is a free-standing building that provides programming for elderly clients in the community, and also houses a number of outpatient clinics.

The Princess Elizabeth Building is home to some of the Centre’s support departments, the Riverview Research Centre and the Riverview Health Centre Foundation office.

In good weather, you can leave the health Centre building via the south entrance and walk outdoors between buildings. In poor weather, you can access the tunnels via the stairs or elevator at the south entrance. Excellent signage in the tunnels will lead you to the building of your choice.

Where is Riverview Health Centre located?

Riverview Health Centre is located in the Fort Rouge area of Winnipeg at One Morley Avenue…

What are your visiting hours? Can children visit?

Please visit the COVID 19 section of the website for up to date information regarding visitation restrictions.

If you are feeling unwell with a cold or flu-like illness, please postpone your visit to another time when you are feeling better.  In this way, you can help prevent the spread of infection.

How do I get admitted to a rehab bed?

We are part of the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (WRHA) rehab/geriatrics program coordinated entry system. Riverview offers stroke and acute brain injury rehabilitation. If you need rehab from a full team of rehab clinicians (doctors, nurses, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, speech language pathologists, and others) and do not require acute care hospitalization, you can be referred to the regional system by your physician.  As beds become available, Riverview receives candidate applications from the system. Where more than one centre offers rehab, this centralized process helps ensure that you go to an available rehab bed as quickly as possible.

Learn more about how this works: https://wrha.mb.ca/rehabilitation/

How do people get admitted to Riverview?

Unlike acute care hospitals, there is no direct access to our beds.  We do not have an emergency room.  Patients and residents come to us as a result of coordination with the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (WRHA).  We collaborate with several regional programs to admit people who will benefit from our specialized care to our beds.

How can I express a concern?

Please phone the applicable patient care unit, and ask to speak with the patient care manager.  She/he will be happy to assist you.

How will I be informed of my EMG test results?

The EMG doctor will discuss your test results with you or send them to your regular doctor.  After the exam, check with the doctor who sent you to the lab for the next step in your care.

How long will my EMG tests take?

The tests usually take 40 to 90 minutes depending on the complexity of the testing.  You can do any of your normal activities, like eating, driving, and exercising before the tests.  There are no lasting side effects.  You can also do your normal activities after the tests.

How should I prepare for my EMG tests?

Tell the EMG doctor if you are taking aspirin, blood thinners (like Coumadin), have a pacemaker, or have hemophilia.  Take a bath or a shower to remove oil from your skin.  Do not use body lotion on the day of the test.  If you have myasthenia gravis, ask your EMG doctor if you should take any medications before the test. It is helpful if you bring clothes to change into so that you can be examined by the doctor (i.e. shirt if it is a hand problem, shorts if it is a leg problem).

What are some of the tests performed in the EMG clinic?

Nerve Conduction Studies:  These tests show how well the body’s signals are traveling to a nerve.  This is done by applying small electrical shocks to the nerve and recording how the nerve works.  These shocks cause a quick, mild, tingling feeling.  The doctor may test several nerves.

EMG(Electromyography): For this part of the test, a small, thin needle is inserted into several muscles to see if there are any problems.  A new needle is used for each patient and it is thrown away after the test.  There may be a small amount of pain when the needle is put in.  The doctor tests only the muscles necessary to decide what is wrong.  During the EMG test, the doctor will be able to hear and see how your muscles and nerves are working by analyzing the electrical signals in the muscle.

Why am I being sent to the EMG lab for tests?

You are being sent to the electromyography (EMG) lab because you have numbness, tingling, pain, weakness or muscle cramping.  Some of the tests that the EMG doctor may use to diagnose your symptoms are nerve conduction studies (NCSs), or needle EMG.  The EMG doctor will examine you to decide which tests to do.

Where is the EMG Clinic located?

The EMG Clinic is located on the main floor of the Day Hospital at Riverview Health Centre. The Day hospital is located on the corner of Oakwood Avenue and Darling Street. There is a public paid parking located next to the Clinic.

There is also street parking nearby, but be aware of the parking signs as many streets are limited to 1-hour parking.

Click on the following map to enlarge and print.

A picture of Riverview Health Centre map


Where can I park?


Our public parking lot is located at the front of the AB Wing of the Health Centre and is accessed from Eccles Street.  An hourly rate is charged payable prior to exit from the lot.  A parking ticket is generated at the parking gate upon arrival.  The ticket can be paid in the parking machine located in the foyer of the main entrance of the Health Centre building (both credit cards and cash) or at the exit gate (credit cards only).
Designated handicapped spaces are available in this parking lot, and in the drop off zones adjacent to the south side entrance of the Health Centre building. The appropriate handicapped decal must be displayed.

In consideration of the Centre’s neighbours in this residential community, parking restrictions are in effect on most side streets from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

EMG Clinic/Day Hospital

The public paid parking is located next to the EMG clinic/Day Hospital and can be accessed from Darling Street.

How can my family member be admitted to your palliative care unit?

The WRHA palliative care program team members determine who gets admitted to our beds. When you have a life-limiting illness, your physician can refer you to the program.  As part of their range of palliative care services, and as our beds become available, members of this team determine which patients on their program require our specialized in-patient services.

Learn more about how this works: https://wrha.mb.ca/palliative-care/

What is the referral process for the Day Hospital?

Referrals to Day Hospital can be made a number of different ways. Your family doctor or Home Care Case Coordinator (if you receive services from the Home Care Program) can refer you. You can also be referred by a Geriatric Program Assessment Team or from an in-patient facility.

What does it cost to participate in the Rendezvous Club?

A daily charge for the program is set by Manitoba Health. This will be collected by the Riverview Health Centre business office. You will be billed monthly. Any questions you have may be directed to the Club Coordinator.

To view/print the brochure, click on the following link:

Rendezvous Club Brochure


How do I become a member of the Rendezvous Club?

For information on registering for the Rendezvous Club, call the Coordinator at 478-6153 or contact your Continuing Care Coordinator.

How can my family member come to live on one of your ACE Units?

We work with the WRHA’s Long Term Care Access Centre to determine who gets admitted. Prior to coming to live at Riverview you or your family member will be assessed to determine how best your care needs can be met. This is usually done by community care providers from home care and your physician.  If you are in a hospital and cannot return home, you’ll be assessed by members of your care team and the long term care access centre team to see what your needs are and what options are available. The long term access centre keeps track of who is waiting.  As beds become available, applications from our waiting list are sent to us by the Access Centre.

What clothing should I supply for my family member?

Please bring an adequate supply of clothing, but do not bring out-of-season clothing, as storage is limited. Families are requested to store out-of-season clothing away from Riverview.

Upon admission, we will label all clothing. If you bring more clothing, please inform the staff so this clothing can be labeled, too.

When can I visit?

There is currently no restrictions to general visiting hours. 

Please see ‘News and Outbreaks’ section for current visiting information regarding outbreak

Subject to change without notice upon provincial direction.

How does my family member get admitted to a Personal Care Home?

We work with the WRHA’s Long Term Care Access Centre to determine who gets admitted. Prior to coming to live at Riverview you or your family member will be assessed to determine how best your care needs can be met. This is usually done by community care providers from home care and your physician.  If you are in a hospital and cannot return home, members of your care team and the long term care access centre team will determine what your needs are and what options are available for discharge. The long term access centre keeps track of who is waiting.  As beds become available, applications from our waiting list are sent to us by the Access Centre.

How can I receive Rehab Services at Riverview?

We are part of the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (WRHA) rehab/geriatrics program coordinated entry system. Riverview offers stroke and acute brain injury rehabilitation. If you need rehab from a full team of rehab clinicians (doctors, nurses, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, speech language pathologists, and others) and do not require acute care hospitalization, you can be referred to the regional system by your physician. As beds become available, Riverview receives candidate applications from the system. Where more than one centre offers rehab, this centralized process helps ensure that you go to an available rehab bed as quickly as possible.

Learn more about how this works: https://wrha.mb.ca/rehabilitation/

Will I need to bring any information?

Yes, we will need you to provide the clerical partner or nurse on the unit with your Manitoba Health Card so we can verify that your information is correct.

Where will I go when I get to Riverview?

Because all of our admissions are planned, and we do receive information about you in advance, we do not require you or a member of your family to stop at a Registration Area. You can just proceed to the unit that is expecting you. If you are not sure, the clerk at the Information Desk can provide assistance.

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