RHC during Covid-19 pandemic

April 17, 2020

We continue to be vigilant to ensure that we protect our patients, residents and staff. RHC continues to follow provincial direction to restrict visitation, with exceptions being made around end of life. You can trust that we will communicate with patient/resident’s primary contact if there is a change in condition and health issues.

We implemented staff screening at the beginning of each shift. All staff who provide direct patient/resident care during the course of their work are wearing personal protective equipment (PPE), which routinely includes masks and eye protection, and gloves and gowns as required. We thank our staff of their dedication and discipline in ensuring they are safe and comply with the provincial guidelines so that they keep our patients, residents and their co-workers safe.

Daily routines for our patients and residents continue with some changes. There are no large group activities such as worship services, bingo or end of the month birthdays due to provincial restrictions on the size of group gatherings. Recreation Facilitators continue to provide programming on the unit while ensuring social distancing and proper hand hygiene between contracts. They are conducting many one-on-one visits with the residents to stimulate social and mental interactions and partnering with Social Work and Spiritual Care to support virtual and solarium visits. On our rehab units, therapy is continuing in a one-to-one format, usually on the patient’s unit or in their room.

Staff on the units continue to follow the patient/resident individual care plans and there should be no significant change for our patients and residents, and we will continue to do our best to provide excellent care while keeping everyone safe during this challenging time.

We miss the families, volunteers, and all others who helped created a home-like environment. We continue to appreciate the support and commitment of everyone involved as we work through this pandemic.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any question. Any questions specific to your loved one’s health can be directed to the nursing staff on the units. Also, please visit the Shared Health Manitoba website www.sharedhealthmb.ca for the most up to date and accurate information related to the management of the pandemic.

RHC Leadership Team

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