The Riverview Research Centre

July 7, 2020

The Riverview Research Centre is dedicated research space at the facility for individuals or groups who wish to partner with the Centre in pursuing academic or research activities. It is located on the fourth level of the Princess Elizabeth Building and offers convenient access to the diverse client population base of the 388-bed hospital and long term care facility. Large and small conference rooms and individual offices for researchers, senior students and faculty members can be booked for short or long term use. Researchers are encouraged to take full advantage of other benefits available through the Health Centre, including: the assistance of on-site clinical nurse specialists. Those whose research interests include such health care focus areas as environmental considerations for inpatient facilities, rehabilitation, chronic and progressive illnesses, and end of life care are encouraged to contact:

Manager – Research
Riverview Research Centre
One Morley Avenue Winnipeg
Manitoba R3L 2P4
(204) 478-6215

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