Conducting Research at Riverview Health Centre
July 7, 2020Conducting Research at Riverview Health Centre
Riverview Health Centre (RHC) encourages the conduct of basic and applied research that is congruent with the mission and goals of RHC and will potentially be of benefit to the residents and patients. All research must comply with Manitoba’s Personal Health Information Act (PHIA), safeguard the rights and welfare of RHC participants, and meet ethical and scientific standards.
To manage and facilitate research that may be conducted at RHC, interested investigators are encouraged to contact the Manager of Research (phone 478-6215; e-mail ) if they wish to discuss their potential submissions. Completed electronic requests should be sent to the Manager of Research (including instruments, participant consent form, funding sources, evidence of ethical approval), and completed RHC Request for Access form and Researcher Confidentiality Agreement Form. It is preferred that the submission be as a single pdf file. If grants are sponsored by industry, an overhead of 20% of personnel costs are payable to RHC. Copies of the Research Access Request Form and the Researcher Confidentiality Agreement Form can be downloaded by clicking on the links on the right hand column of this page.
All research projects will be reviewed by the Research Committee and must receive written approval from the President or designate prior to proceeding.
Should access be granted, a RHC staff member will be designated as a contact person to monitor and facilitate the project. Upon approval and prior to initiation of the project, the researcher or designate should meet with staff participating in the project to review the research protocol.
The researcher must submit to the Manager of Research any changes in the research protocol during the project. If any unusual or unexpected results involving a client are obtained during or at the conclusion of the project, the investigator must notify in writing the attending physician and the Manager of Research.
An annual progress report and a final report (forms distributed by Manager Research) upon completion of the project must be submitted to the Manager of Research, including a list of all publications and presentations that arise from the project.
Please contact the Manager of Research at 478-6215 if you require more information regarding research at Riverview Health Centre.