Research Participants Needed : “Is the Grass Greener? Practice, Policy & Perspectives of Cannabis Use at Riverview Health Centre”

June 2, 2022

Researchers from the University of Manitoba and Riverview Health Centre are conducting a research study that is exploring how cannabis use (which also has been known as marijuana), both for medical and recreational reasons, is being addressed at Riverview Health Centre.

There has been growing interest among older adults and those living with chronic illness about the possible role of cannabis in addressing various health issues.

The researchers are interested in talking to residents and family members about their interest in and/or use of cannabis, any experiences they may have related to talking about or using cannabis at Riverview, as well as suggestions they may have to improve how cannabis use is addressed at Riverview, such as education, access, care, or other support services.

  • Who can participate?

Adult resident/patient receiving care at RHC or a family member of a resident/patient at RHC.

  • What is required from participants?

Participate in a 30–45-minute interview to discuss their perceptions about medical and recreational cannabis use at RHC.

  • Where will the interview take place?

For residents/patients: In the outdoor visitation pods. If not available, we will conduct interviews within their room for privacy purposes.

For family members: The interview will be held virtually using a licensed account of the Zoom platform. The interviews may also be conducted by telephone.

  • When is the interview?

The interview will take place at a time that works best for study participants.

  • What will I get from participating?

A $10 gift card for Riverview Health Centre cafeteria will be provided in appreciation of your time.

For more information about the study:

  • Email research assistant Daniella Scerbo ( or project director Dr. Abeer Alraja (
  • Leave a phone message for principal investigator, Dr. Lynda Balneaves at 204-474-6353, including your name, phone number, and if a resident/patient, which room and floor at Riverview Health Centre they are located.   
Research Poster
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