Happy Mother’s Day!

May 8, 2020

Happy Mothers’ Day! At Riverview Health Centre, we know Mothers’ Day is important. We wish everyone could be together in person to celebrate. Sadly, this is not possible due to the provincial visiting restrictions in place during the COVID-19 pandemic. We miss you, and can’t wait until you are able to return to normal visiting!

In addition, due to the strict cleaning protocols we have in place for the safety of our patients, residents and staff, and the need to make sure we have enough cleaning supplies available for our patient and resident care areas, we are limited in our ability to accept deliveries. At this time we are not able to accept deliveries of food items or flowers or plants. Any items we are able to accept must be in hard plastic packaging that we are able to wipe down to disinfect. Our staff are working hard to be there to acknowledge and thank your mothers on your behalf, as best we can. Here are some of the things we are doing over the next few days:

• We are focusing as much time as possible on facilitating “virtual visiting” using i-Pads for FaceTime as well as setting up solarium visits through our front solarium windows. We thank the Riverview Health Centre Foundation for providing us with additional i-Pads just in time for Mothers’ Day!

• Our Recreation Facilitators and other staff are spending 1 on 1 time with our patients and residents, having meaningful conversations about motherhood to foster moments of special memories, inspiration and love.

• On Mothers’ Day Sunday, we will briefly lift our policy of “emergency only” paging, to provide a special Mothers’ Day greeting and play a special song in honour of all the mothers.

• There will be Mothers’ Day/Spring decorations up for everyone to enjoy.

• We are having a few very small group teas in rotation, with physical distancing and hand hygiene in place.

We know we cannot possibly replace you being here in person, but please know your mothers are being acknowledged and cared for on their special day and always.

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