December 17th, 2021 COVID-19 Update

December 20, 2021

Dear Residents/Patients/Families,

We continue to have an RSV outbreak on CD4 on our Personal Care Home side.  The residents are recovering, but because we continue to have new cases of symptomatic residents, Designated Family Caregiver visits are being stopped through Wednesday, December 22, at minimum.  This is in an effort to prevent further spread of this highly contagious respiratory virus.

COVID-19 remains a risk to the health and wellness of our residents and patients at Riverview Health Centre, particularly as highly contagious variants circulate in the community.

Social Leaves

  • Social leaves can occur, but RHC and all Personal Care Homes are taking additional precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 amongst our resident and patient populations.  The following guidance must be followed to minimize risk:
    • For fully vaccinated residents, a leave may be permitted at the health care team’s discretion, with travel directly to and from the intended location.
    • Transportation: All individuals involved in the transportation of the resident must be fully vaccinated. (It is recommended that you minimize the number of people in the vehicle i.e. driver and resident/patient, or the addition of one escort if needed). Masks must be worn by the driver, resident/patient and escort if needed during transport.
    • Mask Use: Masks will be worn throughout the visit, and particularly any time physical distancing is not possible.  Residents and patients will leave the facility wearing a medical grade procedure mask and will be provided with at least one additional mast to be worn for their return to the facility.
    • Physical Distancing: must be maintained. Particularly at any times masks are removed e.g. when eating or drinking.
    • If the destination is a private residence:
      • All individuals aged 12 and up who are physically present at the gathering must be fully vaccinated. For individuals aged 5-11, vaccination is strongly recommended.
      •  All individuals at the gathering must not have any cold/flu symptoms or other symptoms commonly associated with COVID-19.
      • All individuals at any gathering attended by the resident/patient must screen for any cold/flu symptoms or other symptoms commonly associated with COVID-19.  No one with symptoms will be present at the gathering.
      • No one is present in the home will be under any direction to quarantine or isolate.  This applies to federal quarantine and provincial Public Health direction.
      •  Masks must be worn, and physical distancing maintained.
      • For our hospital patients, leaves are discouraged but may be considered on an individual basis and the above need to be followed.
      • Also, please be aware that the following precautions may be implemented upon return to the facility:
        • 14-day quarantine upon return, determined on a case-by-case basis
        • Testing if any cold/flu or other symptoms commonly associated with COVID-19 are observed.
        • Please note, if tested, a negative COVID-19 test will not reduce the 14-day quarantine requirement.  This is due to the virus’ known 14-day incubation period.
  • For unvaccinated residents/patients, social leaves are not permitted. Alternate visitation, including use of virtual connections and visitation shelters (Pods) will be offered.
    • Dec. 24th 1:00-4:00 p.m.
    • Dec. 25th 1:00-7:00 p.m.
    • Dec. 26th 1:00-7:00 p.m.
    • Dec. 28-31 normal hours (1:00-7:00 p.m.)
    • Jan. 1 1:00-7:00 p.m.
    • Please call early to arrange a time 204-478-6208 between 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.  Visit bookings will end at noon on Dec. 24th and will not re-open again until Dec. 29th.
    • Please note that in circumstances where guidelines or public health requirements are believed not to have been followed, an assessment of measures required in order to support safe return to the facility will be completed. Measures may include a required isolation period at the discretion of RHC.

NOTE: Guidance is regularly being updated as new, highly contagious variants are identified. We are closely monitoring the emergence of the Omicron variant, as well as any restrictions placed on recently returned travelers which may impact your ability to visit our facility or participate in a resident’s/patient’s social leave, if applicable.

Information can change quickly, and we appreciate your cooperation as we share updated guidance or make necessary changes to protect the health and safety of residents/patients over the coming weeks.

Thank you for your support and understanding.


RHC Leadership

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