September 6, 2022: COVID-19 Update

September 6, 2022

Family Update September 6, 2022 COVID-19 at RHC:
  • We have two COVID-19 outbreaks currently: one on CD2 in our PCH at this time, ongoing since mid-August, and one new outbreak on CD1, effective September 4, 2022:
    • Two residents and four staff have tested positive for COVID-19 so far on CD1, and ten symptomatic swabs are pending
    • Red Zone signage is in place on the COVID-19 positive resident’s doors
    • Outbreak signage is in place on the unit
    • General Visitors are not allowed on CD1 or CD2 at this time
    • Designated Caregivers are encouraged to use virtual visits but if required, can visit maximum of 2 per room at one time, with full knowledge of risk of exposure and supervised with putting on and taking off their PPE
    • Staff are wearing N95 masks and full-face shields and cohorting to each side as best as possible. A PPE donning and doffing station has been set up outside each outbreak unit
    • Residents are currently restricted to the unit, are allowed out of their rooms with masks if possible
    • Dining Room meals are suspended at this time, and residents are assisted with hand hygiene before meals
    • Group activities are cancelled at this time
    • Daily symptom checks are occurring
    • Enhanced cleaning of high touch surfaces, at least twice daily, and when visibly soiled is in place
    • Enhanced PPE and Hand Hygiene audits are in place
    • Additional staffing has been requested
  • We do have a few other residents/patients throughout the facility who are on enhanced isolation precautions and are isolating in their rooms due to a high risk contact with a positive family member or visitor

Thank you all for your support. Be well.

RHC Leadership

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