July 5, 2022 COVID-19 update

July 5, 2022

Family Update July 5, 2022

COVID-19 Update:
Outbreak(s) at RHC:
  • We have one COVID-19 outbreak on the D-side CD4 in our PCH at this time.
    • 2 residents and one staff have tested positive for COVID-19
    • Red Zone signage is in place on the COVID-19 positive resident’s doors.
    • Outbreak signage is in place on the unit.
    • General Visitors are not allowed on D4 at this time.
    • Designated Caregivers are encouraged to use virtual visits but if required, can visit with full knowledge of risk of exposure and supervised with putting on and taking off their PPE.
    • Staff are wearing N95 masks and full-face shields and cohorting to each side as best as possible.
    • Residents are currently restricted to the unit, are allowed out of their rooms with masks if possible.
    • Cohorting of residents at mealtime, assisted with hand hygiene before meals.
    • Group activities are cancelled on the D-side at minimum.
    • Daily symptom checks are occurring.
    • Enhanced cleaning of high touch surfaces, at least twice daily, and when visibly soiled
    • Enhanced PPE and Hand Hygiene audits in place
    • Additional staffing has been requested.
  • In the building we do have one resident positive for COVID and a few residents/patients who have been swabbed and are awaiting their COVID-19 test result.
    • We do have a few residents/patients who are on enhanced isolation precautions and are isolating in their rooms due to a high-risk contact with a positive family member or visitor.
  • We do have a positive RSV on 2E.

To date, we have had 225 staff who have tested positive for COVID-19, community acquired, as well as staff who are recovering and returning to work.

Vaccine Clinics:

We held our latest vaccination clinic today, June 29th.  Eighteen first or second dose boosters were given to eligible residents/patients.

  • Masks continue to be required to be worn by all staff and all families and visitors at RHC and in all health care facilities.  If you are visiting outdoors, masks are no longer required.  You still need to come into the facility wearing your mask, be screened and put on the mask provided to you.  Eye protection is available if you wish.
  • The guidance remains the same for staff – they must wear their eye protection during all interactions with residents/patients/clients, in-room and in the care environment.   If staff remove their eye protection, they must clean and disinfect before putting back on, and store appropriately (Ziploc) or discard and obtain a fresh pair.  For staff who work in non-direct care areas (kitchen, laundry, etc.), the requirement remains the same (medical mask unless physical distancing can’t be maintained)
Designated Family Caregiver/Essential Care Partner/General Visitor:
  • The following changes are effective June 30th:
  • The new term is Designated Caregivers.  These are people who provide physical, psychological and emotional support, as deemed important by the resident/patient.  This care can include support in decision making, care coordination, and continuity of care.  Designated Caregivers are family, close friends or other caregivers and are identified by the resident/patient or substitute decision maker (SDM).  Up to 4 Designated Caregivers may be identified per resident/patient. Designated Caregiver replaces designated family caregiver and essential care partner.
  • General Visitors are family and friends who visit for social reasons.  Their time spent with the resident/patient is discretionary and short term.  They are not involved in the care of the resident/patient.
  • MAXIMUM 2 VISITORS AT A TIME, IN ROOM (exception: 4 allowed at end of life)
    • This includes Designated Caregivers and General Visitors and children.
    • Our screeners are tracking how many visitors are signed in, by room.
      • Residents/patients and family, please organize your visits to comply with the visiting restriction of two visitors per room at one time.
        • Please do not wait in the cafeteria until the previous visitors leave.
        • You are welcome to wait outside or in your car.
      • Please remember to sign out when you leave.
  • Outdoor visits and walks are encouraged.
  • Designated Caregivers can visit outside of the resident/patient room, providing that physical distancing can be maintained from other residents/patients and their Designated Caregivers
  • Please wear your mask for the duration of your visit (indoors), practice good hand hygiene and you are encouraged to maintain physical distancing.  Following these precautions is for the benefit of all residents/patients.
  • Please screen for illness, do not come to visit, even if slightly ill.  Do let us know if you are awaiting a test result or if you have tested positive for COVID-19. 
  • Visiting hours are 1030-2000.  Exception: 24/7 visiting for Designated Caregivers at end of life
  • Small group programming, physically distanced, is occurring for residents, and will continue for units not in outbreak.
  • New admissions will be quarantined for 10 days, staying in their room without the enhanced isolation precautions.

Thank you all for your support. Be well.

RHC Leadership

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