Family Update May 2, 2022

May 2, 2022

Family Update May 2, 2022

COVID-19 Update:

Outbreak(s) at RHC:

  • We have no active COVID-19 outbreaks at this time at RHC
    • We do have a few residents/patients who have been swabbed and are awaiting their COVID-19 test result
    • We do have a few residents/patients who are on enhanced droplet precautions and are isolating in their rooms due to a high risk contact with a positive family member or visitor
  • We are doing BID (twice a day) symptom monitoring because of close contact, on many of our units


  • From mid-December until the end of April, we have had 202 staff who have tested positive for COVID-19, community acquired, as well as staff who are recovering and returning to work

Vaccine Clinics:

  • We held vaccination clinics on April 26-27, with a focus on the 2nd booster dose for eligible residents/patients
    • 207 vaccinations were administered


  • Masks and eye protection continue to be required to be worn by all staff and all families and visitors at RHC and in all health care facilities


  • Waste water surveillance is occurring in Winnipeg, and the projections are for a significant increase in COVID-19 cases in Winnipeg by mid-May. Please screen for illness, do not come to visit, even if slightly ill.  Do let us know if you have tested positive for COVID-19.  Please continue to wear your mask, and practice good hand hygiene and physical distancing.
  • Visiting hours are 1030-2000.  Exception: 24/7 visiting for DFC/ECP at end of life
  • MAXIMUM 2 VISITORS AT A TIME, IN ROOM ONLY AT THIS TIME (exception: 3 allowed at end of life)
    • This includes DFC/ECP, general visitors and children
    • Our screeners are tracking how many visitors are signed in, by room
      • Residents/patients and family, please organize your visits to comply with the visiting restriction of two visitors per room at one time
        • Please do not wait in the cafeteria until the previous visitors leave
        • You are welcome to wait outside or in your car
      • Please remember to sign out when you leave
  • All visits are in-room only at this time
  • Residents/patients are not to spend time in the Solarium, cafeteria or gift shop on their own or with visitors at this time
  • Small group programming, physically distanced, is occurring for residents, and will continue for units not in outbreak
  • The weather is expected to improve toward the end of this week. Outdoor visits and walks are welcome
    • Visitors must come in and be screened
    • Visitors must wear their masks and eye protection, even outside
    • Please maintain physical distancing
    • No eating or drinking during the visit, inside or outside

Thank you all for your support. Be well.

RHC Leadership

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