Frequently Asked Questions

How can I book a room or rent the BBQ?

Contact the Event office at 204-478-6893 or email [email protected]

How can I help Riverview?

You can volunteer.

Volunteering can be a richly rewarding experience, and our volunteers are an integral part of the care-giving team at Riverview Health Centre.  Volunteers may participate during the weekdays, evenings or on weekends, and assignments are arranged to accommodate individuals with varying lifestyles, interests and schedules.

You can be a donor.

The Riverview Health Centre Foundation is an organization of dedicated volunteers and staff who work hard to further enhance the Centre’s ability to provide quality care and home-like surroundings for all those in need of its service.  It is through donations to the Foundation that we can continue to fund building modifications, equipment and other enhancements to meet the diverse needs of our patients and residents.  Donations to the Foundation can be made directly on-line on the Donor link on our Home Page.

When can I visit?

There are currently no restrictions to general visiting hours. 

Please check the Outbreaks section for current visiting information regarding outbreaks.

Subject to change without notice upon provincial direction.

What clothing should I supply for my family member?

Please bring an adequate supply of clothing, but do not bring out-of-season clothing, as storage is limited. Families are requested to store out-of-season clothing away from Riverview.

Upon admission, we will label all clothing. If you bring more clothing, please inform the staff so this clothing can be labeled, too.

Is there an ATM at Riverview Health Centre?

An ATM is located on the main floor of the Health Centre Building beside the Gift Shop.

What are your policies on the use of scented products?

Out of consideration for those who are allergic or sensitive to certain products, fragrances and other highly scented products are discouraged.  We ask that visitors refrain from using highly scented products when they come to visit.

What are your policies on smoking?

Smoking is prohibited in any of the Centre’s buildings.  As of May 25, 2011, in accordance with the City of Winnipeg Outdoor smoking By-law, smoking is further prohibited anywhere on our grounds.

Can I use my cell phone in the Health Centre?

You can use your cell phone in most areas of the health centre building.  Where cell phone use is prohibited, there will be signage indicating this. Cell phone reception, however, tends to be variable in our main health centre building.  You may find that you are unable to complete or receive a call.

Do you have a lost and found?

Yes. Security Services, located beside the Information Desk, in the atrium of the main Health Centre building is responsible for all lost and found items.  Check with them if you have lost (or found) something.

How can I express a concern?

Please phone the applicable patient care unit, and ask to speak with the patient care manager.  She/he will be happy to assist you.

See department contact information

What are the buildings on your campus?

The complex includes the main Health Centre Building, the Day Hospital, and the Princess Elizabeth Building. The main Health Centre Building includes the personal care units and hospital units, information desk, cafeteria, worship Centre, gift shop and our beautiful conservatory.

The Day Hospital is a free-standing building that provides programming for elderly clients in the community, and also houses a number of outpatient clinics.

The Princess Elizabeth Building is home to some of the Centre’s support departments, the Riverview Research Centre and the Riverview Health Centre Foundation office.

In good weather, you can leave the Health Centre building via the south entrance and walk outdoors between buildings. In poor weather, you can access the tunnels via the stairs or elevator at the south entrance. Excellent signage in the tunnels will lead you to the building of your choice.

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Is there any information for families and volunteers who assist with mealtime feeding?

Yes, Please click on the links below to view our training.

Mealtime Assistant Training
Diet Order Training