Patients and Residents
Quality of Life at Riverview Health Centre
Each person who lives at Riverview Health Centre receives individualized care through a multi-disciplinary approach to ensure the best possible quality of life. This provides peace of mind—for those recovering, the older persons, and anyone needing long term care, and their family care partners.
Patient Focused Care
Access to meals, as well as medicines, clinical, therapeutic and support services, is thoughtfully planned and provided according to need in each person’s suite or nearby.
Patient Care Teams
Teams are managed by a Patient Care Manager and provide all services required for each person’s optimum care. That includes physicians, nurses, therapists, a social worker, a pharmacist, and other disciplines as needed.
An Interdisciplinary Approach
All Riverview care providers work together with each person we serve on interdisciplinary Patient Care Teams instead of working in isolation through independent departments.
Admissions and Referrals
Riverview Health Centre provides care, rehab and recovery programming as well as long-term or palliative care for the chronically sick, disabled or terminally ill. Unlike acute care hospitals, we do not have an emergency department and patients have no direct access to our Centre’s beds.
A Hospital or a Home?
Riverview Health Centre offers all the services of a hospital but is designed to feel more like home. Research has found that medical facilities with a home-like environment have a more positive impact on the attitude and well-being of patients. In a nurturing, comfortable setting, patients enjoy not only a better quality of life, but they also recover and heal more quickly.
The intentional design and delivery of services at Riverview promote a sense of community and caring for patients and residents. All of our buildings are connected to a Town Square that includes a Family Room, cafeteria, worship centre, gift shop and hair salon.

All admissions are planned in advance, so we receive information about patients and residents prior to their arrival at the Centre.
Patients and residents come to Riverview as a result of physician referrals and coordination with the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (WRHA). We collaborate with several regional programs to admit people who will benefit from our specialized services.
Areas of Care
Depending on the type of program, the admission process requires a written application by a physician. Programs include Long-Term Care, Brain Injury & Stroke, Palliative Care, Special Needs and Outpatient Services.