Respiratory Chronic Care

For adults with health care needs greater than can be provided in a personal care home environment.

Patient image

The Complex Continuing Care Program offers comprehensive care for adults with health care needs requiring more professional intervention than can be provided in a personal care home environment. 

The Program is designed for people who require complex continuing care. In order to establish eligibility for the service, people are reviewed through the regional paneling process. Once eligibility is established, the WRHA Long Term Care Access Centre will advise Riverview Health Centre. The Patient Care Manager of the Respiratory Chronic Care Program will work with the referring agency and the person’s family to coordinate admission.

Objectives of the Program

  • To provide the best quality of life possible for people through consideration of their physical, cognitive and emotional needs.
  • To maintain and enhance, when possible, the functional level of the person’s capacities.
  • To apply the principles of person directed living through the involvement of each person and their family care partners in care planning and care giving.
Patient image

Components of the Program

People will be assessed and provided with treatment and care by an interdisciplinary team of health professionals. Using their specialized skills and knowledge, professionals will provide treatment and adapt the social and physical environment to meet the functional, emotional and social needs of people we serve.

Each person is assigned a Primary Nurse. In collaboration with each person, their family care partner(s) and other team members, the Primary Nurse coordinates the plan of care for each person. Family care partners are encouraged to contact the Primary Nurse or Patient Care Manager whenever they have questions or concerns.

About the Community

The Respiratory Chronic Care Program is located on 2 West, a 30-bed community with a mix of private and semi-private suites.  All suites have their own bathroom. There is a communal dining area and lounge for use by people we serve and family care partners. Programs and activities are primarily provided in the community. The Respiratory Chronic Care Program benefits from an interdisciplinary team consisting of:

  • Recreation Facilitator
  • Spiritual Care
  • Clerical Partner
  • Dietitian
  • Health Care Aides
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Pharmacist
  • Physician
  • Physiotherapist
  • Registered Nurses
  • Rehabilitation Assistant
  • Respiratory Therapist
  • Service Partners
  • Social Worker
  • Speech Language Pathologist (on consultation)

Most people require complex care related to complications of long-term illness and injuries. This care may include:

Specialized Wound Care, Airway Management (tracheostomy), Nutritional Support, Dysphagia Management (TPN, gastrostomy feeding) and Long Term Ventilatory (breathing) support.


Key Contact

For more information on this program, contact the Patient Care Manager at:

Long Term Ventilation
at 204-478-6130

Respiratory Chronic Care
at 204-478-6128

Your Questions

How does my family member get admitted to a personal care home?

We work with the WRHA’s Long Term Care Access Centre to determine who gets admitted. Prior to coming to live at Riverview you or your family member will be assessed to determine how best your care needs can be met. This is usually done by community care providers from home care and your physician.  If you are in a hospital and cannot return home, members of your care team and the long-term care access centre team will determine what your needs are and what options are available for discharge. The long-term access centre keeps track of who is waiting.  As beds become available, applications from our waiting list are sent to us by the Access Centre.